Academic Publications
(R* denotes Refereed; Selected Listings)
Johnson, C. & King, A. (Eds). (2024). Music, Technology & Innovation: Industry and educational perspectives. Routledge. [16 Chapters]
R* Johnson, C. (2022). A Framework for Teaching Music Online in Higher Education. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publications.
R* Johnson, C. & Lamothe, V.C., Eds. (2018). Pedagogy Development for Teaching Music Online. Hershey, PA: IGI Publications. (
Chapter Publications
*Johnson, C. & King, A., (2024). Future Directions: Immersive Learning, Online Learning & Artificial Intelligence. In C. Johnson & A. King. (Eds.) Music, Technology & Innovation: Industry and Educational Perspectives. Routledge.
*Johnson, C. & King, A. (2024). Introduction. In C. Johnson & A. King. (Eds.) Music, Technology & Innovation: Industry and Educational Perspectives. Routledge.
*Johnson, C. (2024). Developing an Online Music Orientation using the Framework for Teaching Music Online. In C. Johnson & A. King. (Eds.) Music, Technology & Innovation: Industry and Educational Perspectives. Routledge.
* Lock, J.V., & Johnson, C. (2022). Playing Together: Designing Online Music Courses using a Social Constructivist Framework. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Research Anthology on Music Education in the Digital Era (pp. 352-370). IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-6684-5356-8.ch021 [REPRINT]*
*Johnson, C., Lamothe, V.C., Narita, F., Clark, I., Mulholland, J., Meyers, N. (2022). Sharing our narratives on developing our practice in online music pedagogy. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Research Anthology on Music Education in the Digital Era (pp. 190-208). IGI Global. [REPRINT]
* Johnson, C., McAlpine, K., & Merrick, B. (2022). MusicWorks: Supporting Students’ Musical Career Paths Through Technology-Enhanced Authentic Learning. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Research Anthology on Music Education in the Digital Era. (pp. 333-351). IGI Publications. [REPRINT]
* Lisboa, T., Jonasson, P. & Johnson, C. (2022). Synchronous Online Learning, Teaching and Performance. In McPherson, G. (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volume Two. Oxford Press. (Word count: 13,0007) [PUBLISHED]
* Lock, J.V., Johnson, C., Altowairiki, N., Burns, A., Hill, S.L., Ostrowski, C. (2022). Enhancing instructor capacity through the redesign of online practicum course environments using Universal Design for Learning. In Management Association, I. (Ed.), Research Anthology on Remote Teaching and Learning and the Future of Online Education, pp. 294-314. IGI Publications. [REPRINT]
* McKenzie, S., Osborne, M., Johnson, C., Nixon, G., Graydon, K., Tomlin, D., van Dam, S., & Jongenelis, M. (2022). Expanding Online Education Frontiers – Needs, Opportunities and Examples. In S. McKenzie, L. Arulkadacham, J. Chung, & Z. Aziz (Eds.), The Future of Online Education, pp. 33-56. Nova Science Publishers. (Word count: 7,040) [PUBLISHED]
* Johnson, C., & Altowairiki, N. (2021). Developing Teaching Presence in Online Learning Through Shared Stakeholder Responsibility. In Management Association, I. (Ed.), Research Anthology on Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Students (pp. 298-324). IGI Global. [REPRINT]
* Johnson, C., & Lamothe, V. C. (2021). Creating Authentic Assessments for Online Music Courses: Mapping a Learning Task. In Management Association, I. (Ed.), Research Anthology on Developing Effective Online Learning Courses (pp. 531-553). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8047-9.ch028 [REPRINT]
* Johnson, C., & Altowairiki, N. (2021). Developing Teaching Presence in Online Learning Through Shared Stakeholder Responsibility. In Management Association, I. (Ed.), Research Anthology on Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Students(pp. 298-324). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3022-1.ch017 [REPRINT]
¥* Lock, J., Liu, Y., Johnson, C., Hanson, J., & Adlington, A. (2020). Learning with each iteration of a graduate student online orientation program: A design-based research study. In G. Parchoma, M. Power, & J. Lock (Eds.). The Quest for the Finest Blends of Text and Voice in Blended and Online Graduate Education. Athabasca University Press. Open Access.
¥* Johnson, C. & Merrick, B. (2020). Enabling Music Students’ Well-Being through Regular Zoom Cohort Chats During the Covid-19 Crises. In R. Ferdig, E Baumgartner, R. Harshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, technology and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field (pp. 261-264).Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Open Access
R* Lock, J., Johnson, C, Hanson, J., Liu, Y., & Adlington, A. (2019). Designing an online graduate orientation program: Informed by UDL and studied by Design-Based Research. In S. Gronseth & E. Dalton (Ed.), Universal Access Through Inclusive Instructional Design: International Perspectives on UDL. Routledge.
R* Johnson, C., McAlpine, K., & Merrick, B. (2019). MusicWorks: Supporting Students’ Musical Career Paths Through Technology-Enhanced Authentic Learning. In P. Hycy Bull & J. Keengswe (ed.) Handbook of Research on Innovative Digital Practices to Engage Learners. IGI Publications. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9438-3.ch016
R* Lock, J., Johnson, C., Altowairiki, N., Burns, A., Hill, L., & Ostrowski, C.P. (2019). Enhancing instructor capacity through the redesign of online practicum course environments using Universal Design for Learning. In S. Keengwe (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Blended Learning Pedagogies and Professional Development in Higher Education. IGI Global.
R* Johnson, C. (2018). Preparing for Change: Getting ready to offer online music courses. In C. Johnson and V. Lamothe (Eds.), Pedagogy Development in Teaching Music Online. IGI Global. (
R* Johnson, C., Lamothe, V., Imogene, Mulholland, J., Meyers, N., Bridges, M., (2018). Sharing our narratives on developing our practice in online music pedagogy. In C. Johnson and V. Lamothe (Eds.), Pedagogy Development in Teaching Music Online. IGI Global. (
R* Johnson, C. and Lamothe, V. (2018). Building authentic assessments for online music courses: Using online discussions. In C. Johnson and V. Lamothe (Eds.), Pedagogy Development in Teaching Music Online. IGI Global. (
R* Lock, J., & Johnson, C. (2018). Playing together: Designing Online Music Courses using a Social Constructivist Framework. In C. Johnson & V. Lamothe (Eds.), Pedagogy Development for Teaching Music Online. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. (
R*Johnson, C. & Altowairiki, N. (2017). Developing teaching presence in online learning through shared stakeholder responsibility. In P. Vu, S. Fredrickson & C. Moore (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Innovative Pedagogies and Technologies for Online Learning in Higher Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publications.
R* Ostrowski, C. P., Lock, J., Hill, S. L., da Rosa dos Santos, L., Altowairiki, N. F., & Johnson, C. (2017). A journey through the development of online environments: Putting UDL theory into practice. In P. Vu, S. Fredrickson, & C. Moore (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Innovative Pedagogies and Technologies for Online Learning in Higher Education (pp. 218–235). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Journal Publications
¥* Merrick, B & Johnson, C. (2024). Innovative online music teaching: Reflective pedagogy and strategies for authentic dual mode (online and face-to-face) delivery in Music Performance. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, 8(1), 1-27. [PUBLISHED] OA
¥* Johnson, C. & Cheok, T. (2022). The Australian landscape of online bachelor music courses pre-COVID-19. Int’l Jrl on Innovations in Online Ed, 5(4), 1-18. [PUBLISHED] OA
¥* Johnson, C. (2021). A Historical Study (2007-2015) on the Adoption of Online Music Courses in the US. Int’l Jrl on Innovations in Online Ed, 5(1), 1-20. (Word count: 5,694) [PUBLISHED] OA
¥* Lock, J. Johnson, C., Hill, L., Ostrowdun, C., da Rosa dos Santos, L. (2021). From Assistants to Partners: A Framework for Graduate Students as Partners in SoTL Research. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 9(2). (Word count: 8166) Q1 Journal; H-Index 10 [PUBLISHED] OA
¥* Fakunle, O., Lock, J., & Johnson, C. (2020). Is Internationalization intentionally integrated in Online Learning Environments?: Exploring the Challenges and Possibilities. Int’l Jrl on Innovations in Online Education, 4(3), 1-20. (Word count: 7, 263) [PUBLISHED] OA
*Johnson, C. (2020). Addressing the Innovations in Teaching Music Online: An Editor’s Introduction. Int’l Jrl on Innovations in Online Ed, 4(2), 1-2. (Word count: 897) [PUBLISHED]. OA
¥*Johnson, C. (2020). A conceptual model for teaching music online. Int’l Jrl on Innovations in Online Education, 4(2), 1-23. (Word count: 8,341) [PUBLISHED] OA
¥* Lock, J., Redmon, P., Orwin, L., Powell, A., Becker, S., Hollohan, P., & Johnson, C. (2020). Bridging distance: Practical and pedagogical implications of virtual makerspaces. Jrl of Comp Assisted Learning, 36(6), 957-968. (Word count: 10,137) Q1 Journal; H-Index 86 [PUBLISHED]
¥* Merrick, B. & Johnson, C. (2020). Teaching Music Online in Higher Education: 2020 conference report. Journal of Music, Technology and Education, 13(1), p. 95-108. Q1 Journal; H-Index 10 (Word count: xx) [PUBLISHED]
¥* Chick, N. Kenny, N., Berenson, C., Johnson, C., Keegan, D., Read, E., Reid, L. (2018) Developing a Learning Culture: A Framework for the Growth of Teaching Expertise. Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning, January 15, 2018.
R* Johnson, C., & Lock, J. (2018). Fostering higher order thinking with text and video in online learning: By design. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education. DOI:10.1615/IntJInnovOnlineEdu.2019029736
R* Johnson, C. (2017). Teaching music online: Changing pedagogical approach when moving to the online environment. London Review of Education, 15(3), 439–456.
R* Johnson, C., Hill, S. L., Lock, J., Altowairiki, N., Ostrowski, C. P., da Rosa dos Santos, L., & Liu, Y. (2017). Using design-based research to develop meaningful online discussions in undergraduate field experience courses. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 18(6). Retrieved from:
R* Johnson, C. & Hawley, S. (2017). Online music learning: informal, formal and STEAM contexts. International Journal for Innovations in Online Education, 2(1). Retrieved from:
R* Lock, J., & Johnson, C. (2017). From assumptions to practice: Creating and supporting robust online collaborative learning. International Journal on E-Learning, 16(1), 47-66.
R* Lock, J. & Johnson, C. (2017). Learning from Transitioning to New Technology that Supports Online and Blended Learning: A Case Study. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 28(1), 49-64. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from:
R* Johnson, C. (2016). Online music education stream introduction. International Journal of Innovations in Online Education, 1(1). Retrieved from
R* Lock, J. & Johnson, C. (2016). From Assumptions to Practice: Creating and Supporting Robust Online Collaborative Learning. International Journal on E-Learning, 16(1), 47-66. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from:
R* Lock, J., & Johnson, C. (2015). Triangulating assessment of online collaborative learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 16(4), 61 – 70. Retrieved from:
Johnson, C. (2001). Developing criterion for classical tenor saxophone repertoire. Master of Music Thesis, Belmont University, Nashville, TN.
Conference Proceedings
¥* Himonides, E. Johnson, C., Prior, H., & King, A. (Eds). (2024). SEMPRE MET Conference Proceedings.
¥*Himonides, E., Johnson, C., Merrick, B., & King, A. (Eds). (2022). 2022 SEMPRE MET-TMOHE Joint Conference Proceedings.
¥* Johnson, C. (2021). Developing Digital Literacy Skills Through Online Music Orientations. In P.A. Gonzalez-Moreno (Ed.) International Contributions to Diversity in Music Education Research: Proceedings of the 28th International Seminar of the ISME Research Commission, pp. 301-302. Retrieved from:
R* Johnson, C., & Lock, J. (2019). Virtual Writing Groups: Collegial support in developing academic writing capacity. In Proceedings of ICDE World Conference on Online Learning. Retrieved from: https://wcol2019/ie
R* Johnson, C., & Binns, G. (2018). Designing online orientations for higher education music students: A proposed framework. In Proceedings of Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (pp. 423-428). Geelong, Victoria, Australia: ASCILITE. Retrieved from
R* Johnson, C. & Lock, J. (2018). Experience of Virtual Writing Groups: Going Beyond Geographic Boundaries. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 1470-1475). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from
R* Johnson, C. (2018). Online Curriculum Mapping: Designing for Teaching Presence in Online Music Courses. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 1425-1431). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from
R* Hanson, J., Johnson, C., Lock, J., Adlington, A. & Liu, Y. (2018). Reflections of Designers of an Online Orientation Program: Did We Get it Right?. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 1233-1240). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from
R* Johnson, C., & Lock, J. (2018). Making multimedia meaningful: Outcomes of student assessment in online learning. In E. Langran & J. Borup (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1542-1549). Washington, D.C., United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
R* Lock, J., & Johnson, C. (2016). Learning from Transitioning to New Technology that Supports Online and Blended Learning: A Case Study. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2016 (pp. 177-185). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
R* da Rosa dos Santos, L., Altowairiki, N., Johnson, C., Liu, Y, Hill, L., & Lock, J. (2015). It’s not just a book club: A novel approach to prepare researchers for practice. In Preciado Babb, P., Takeuchi, M., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the IDEAS: Designing Responsive Pedagogy Conference, pp. 53-61.
R* Johnson, C. (2013). Exploring Effective Online Course Design Components. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2013 (pp. 1183-1188). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from
R* Johnson, C. (2013). Researching a framework for designing online music education courses. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2013 (pp. 144-147). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from
R* Johnson, C. (2013). Online Course Design for Apprenticeship Courses. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2013 (pp. 138-143). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from
R* Cooper, T. & Johnson, C. (2013). Web 2.0 Tools for Constructivist Online Professional Development. In Jan Herrington et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 1923-1926). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from
R* Johnson, C. & Cooper, T. (2013). Online Professional Development: Three approaches for engaging faculty through a constructivist framework. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (pp. 31-35). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Book Reviews
Johnson, C. (2024). Teaching and Evaluating Music Performance at University: Beyond the Conservatory Model: edited by John Encarnacao and Diana Blom, ISME Global Perspectives in Music Education Series, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2020, xiii + 254 pp., ISBN-978-1-13850-591-9 (hardback), ISBN-978-0-42932-807-7 (ebook), ISBN-978-1-03223-617-9 (paperback). Musicology Australia, 1–3.
Research Database Creation – 1
Johnson, C. & Deneen, C. (2023). Online music assessment. Research database on music education and online assessment:
Academic Presentations
(*R denotes refereed; Selected listing)
Johnson, C. & Lock, J. (Accepted). Impacting student engagement through immersive learning. Oral presentation for Symposium for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2024, Nov 7 – 9, 2024. Banff, Canada.
¥* Merrick, B. & Johnson, C. (2024, July).Sustaining Learning into the Future: Changing World of Digital Literacy in Tertiary Music. Presentation for 2024 International Society for Music Educators Conf. Helsinki, Finland.
¥* King, A., Prior, H., Lu, Y, Llewellyn, R., Rounding, K., Johnson, C. & Himonides, E. (June, 2024). Access and sustainability in music technology professional development. Presentation submitted to the Music, Education & Technology Conference, June 14-15, 2024, University of Hull, England.
¥* Blackburn, A. & Johnson, C. (2024, June). Supporting Assessment using a Teacher Video Feedback Approach. Presentation at Music, Education & Technology Conference, June 14-15, 2024, University of Hull, England.
¥* Merrick, B. & Johnson, C. (2024, June). Sustainable online pedagogies in Music Performance Teaching:
Australian Implications and Musings. Presentation at Music, Education & Technology Conference, June 14-15, 2024, University of Hull, England.
¥* Merrick, B. & Johnson, C. (2024, June). Teaching Music Online in Higher Education (TMOHE):
Adopting technologies to impact and connect teachers globally. Presentation at Music, Education & Technology Conference, June 14-15, 2024, University of Hull, England.
¥* Johnson, C. & Deneen, C. (2023, December). (Re)Discovering the research on online music assessment: A systematic review. Presentation for Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference, December 4, 2023, Birmingham, England. [online]R* Johnson, C. & Deneen, C. (2023, April). A Systematic Review of Online Music Assessments for Tertiary-Level Teaching. Presentation for Research in Music Education (RIME), April 11-14, 2023. [online].
R* Fakunle, L., Higson, H., & Johnson, C. (2019, December). Interrogating methodologies and approaches on employability from different disciplinary perspectives and country contexts. Presentation for Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference, December 10-13, 2019, Newport, Wales, UK.
R* Johnson, C. (2021, October). Post-secondary online music course offerings prior to COVID-19: An Australian context. ASME XXIII National Conference, Hobart, September 29 to October 1, 2021. [online].
¥* Johnson, C. & Merrick, B. (2021, October). Creating Authentic Dual Mode Online Teaching Practice. ASME XXIII National Conference, Hobart, September 29 to October 1, 2021. [online].
R* Johnson, C., Merrick, B., & de Bruin, L. (2021, September). Reflections on the year of change: Adaptive and creative responses to technology as Music Teachers in the tertiary setting. APSMER. Online/Tokyo, Japan.
R*Merrick, B., & Johnson, C. (2021, June). Authenticity in teaching music online. Presentation at University of Melbourne Teaching and Learning conference 2021: Transitioning to COVID-normal: Developing a new ecosystem for learning, June 1-2, 2021, University of Melbourne, CSHE. [online].
R* Blackburn, A. & Johnson, C. (2021, June). Video Feedback to Support Student Assessment when Teaching Music Online. Teaching Music in Higher Education Conference, June 4-5, 2021. [online].
R* Johnson, C. (2020, July). Developing digital literacy skills through online music orientations. Presentation at ISME Commission on Research in Music Education 28th International Pre-Conference Seminar. July 27-31, 2020, University of Jyväskylä, Finland [online].
R* Lock, J., & Johnson, C. (2019, November). Developing Our Writing through an International Virtual Writing Group. Presentation proposal for COHERE (Canada’s Collaboration for Online Higher Education Research), November 2019.
R* Merrick, B., & Johnson, C. (2019, October). Entrepreneurial approaches in Performance Teaching: Creating pathways with online technologies. Presentation at Australian Society for Music Education (2019 ASME) XXII National Conference, October 2 – 4, 2019, Perth, Australia.
R* McAlpine, K., Merrick, B., & Johnson, C. (2019, October). Sharing their musical journey through podcasts as a narrative. Presentation at Australian Society for Music Education (2019 ASME) XXII National Conference, October 2 – 4, 2019, Perth, Australia.
R* Johnson, C. (2019, July). Preparing tutors to support online music classes: A Design-Based Research Study. Presentation at International Symposium of Performance Science 2019, 16-20 July 2019, University of Melbourne.
R* Johnson, C. & Glasser, S. (2019, April). Exploring the misconceptions of teaching online. Presentation at Research in Music Education Conference, April 23-25, 2019, University of BathSpa, UK.
R* Johnson, C. (2019, April). Developing an online music tutors programme: Design-based research study. Presentation at Research in Music Education Newer Researchers Conference, April 23-25, 2019, University of BathSpa, UK.
R* Lock, J., Johnson, C., Adlington, A., Hanson, J., & Liu, Y. (2019, April). Online orientation program: Checking assumptions to support student success. Paper presentation at the 2018 AERA Annual Meeting, April 5 – 9, 2019, Toronto, ON.
R* Johnson, C. (2018, December). Supporting Early Career Researchers through Virtual Writing Groups. Presentation proposal for Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference Newer Researchers Conference, December 5-7, 2018, Newport, Wales, UK
R* Johnson, C. (2018, December). Designing an online music tutors development programme. Presentation proposal for Society for Research in Higher Education Annual Conference, December 5-7, 2018, Newport, Wales, UK.
R* Lock, J., Johnson, C., & Liu, Y. (2018, October). Learning to Design Using UDL in Online and Blended Learning, Presentation proposal for COHERE (Canada’s Collaboration for Online Higher Education Research), October 25-26, 2018, Quebec City, QU
R* Adlington, A., Lock, J., Hanson, J., Johnson, C. & Liu, Y. (2018, May). Transitioning a Student Online Orientation Program from Pilot to Implementation: What is the Rest of this Story? Technology and Teacher Education (TATE), Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, May 26- 30, 2018, Regina, SK.
R* Liu, Y., Hanson, J., Adlington, A., Lock, J. Johnson, C., Llewellyn, L., & Waisman, TC. (2018, May). Traveling Together in Orienting Online Learners: Student Informed Design. 2018 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, May 1 – 2, 2018, Calgary, AB
R* Johnson, C. & Lock, J.V. (2018, March). Making Multimedia Meaningful: Outcomes of Student Assessment in Online Learning. Full paper presentation. SITE 2018 – The Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, March 26-30, 2018 in Washington, D.C., United States.
Johnson, C. (2018, February). From planning to delivery: Research-informed practices for successful online instrumental teaching. Invited Presentation at Distance Learning in Higher Music Education: teaching technologies and methodologies, February 2, 2018, Conservatorio di Musica di Milano, Milan, Italy.
R* Johnson, C. (2017, December). A pedagogical framework for teaching music online: A multiple case study. Presentation at Society for Research into Higher Education Conference, December 6-8, 2017, Newport, Wales, UK. Retrieved from:
R* Johnson, C. (2017, December). Exploring pedagogical paradigms for teaching music online. Presentation at Society for Research into Higher Education Newer Researchers Conference, December 5, 2017, Newport, Wales, UK. Retrieved from:
R* Lock, J., Johnson, C., Liu, Y., Hanson, J., & de Gannes Lange, S. (2017, October). Are we designing for online learning success: A study of an online orientation program. Presentation proposal for COHERE (Canada’s Collaboration for Online Higher Education Research), October 20, 2017, Toronto, ON.
R* Lock, J. & Johnson, C. (2017, October). Integrating multimedia in online learning and assessment: A case study. Presentation at ICDE World Conference on Online Learning Conference, October 16 – 19, 2017, Toronto, ON.
R* Johnson, C., & Taylor, L., (2017, October). Using SoTL to enhance institutional programs: The case of an undergraduate research program. ISSOTL Reaching New Heights 2017 conference, October 11-14, 2017, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
R* Johnson, C., Lock, J., Hansen, J., Liu, & Adlington. (2017, October). Connecting Conversations: Listening to Inform the Development an Online Student Orientation Program. ISSOTL Reaching New Heights 2017 conference, October 11-14, 2017, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
R* Kenney, N., Berendsen, C., Chick, N., Johnson, C., Keegan, D., Read, E., & Reid, L. (2017, October). A Framework for Developing Teaching Expertise in Postsecondary Education. ISSOTL Reaching New Heights 2017 conference, October 11-14, 2017, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
R* Lock, J., Johnson, C., Liu, Y., Hanson, J. & Baudais, A. (2017, May). Online Student Orientation Programs: Are We Getting it Right? Proposal submitted to the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Technology and Teacher Education (SIG), May 27-31, 2017, Toronto, ON.
R* Lock, J., & Johnson, C. (2017, May). Developing teaching capacity in technology-enabled environments through coaching: The three pillars. CNIE. May 17-19, 2017, Banff, AB.
R* Johnson, C., Lock, J., Hansen, J., Lui, Y., & Adlington, A. (2017, May). Implementing a graduate student online orientation program: Using conversations to better student learning. Post-Secondary Conference on Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary, May 2-3, 2017, Calgary, AB.
R* Ostrowski, C., Lock, J., & Johnson, C. (2017, May). Putting You into Universal Design for Learning. Poster presentation for the Post-Secondary Conference on Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary, May 2-3, 2017, Calgary, AB.
R* Lock, J., Johnson, C., Liu, Y., Hanson, J., & Adlington, A. (2017, May). Teaching them to Fish: A study orienting graduate students for online learning. IDEAS 2017 Conference, University of Calgary, May 4 – 5, 2017, Calgary, AB.
R* Johnson, C. A. (April, 2017). Towards the development of an online music pedagogy: Exploring online music faculty pedagogical approaches. Paper abstract submitted to Research in Music Education Conference, April 24-26, 2017, University of BathSpa, England, UK.
R* Johnson. C. A. & Lamothe, V., (April, 2017). Shared experiences in effective faculty support for learning to teach music in the online environment. Paper abstract submitted to Research in Music Education Conference, April 24‐26, 2177, University of BathSpa, England, UK.
R* Johnson, C. A. (April, 2017). Undergraduate online music course offerings rising exponentially: A research study. Paper abstract submitted to Research in Music Education Conference, April 24‐26, 2017, University of BathSpa, England, UK.
R* Taylor, L. & Johnson, C. (2016, November). What do undergraduate students learn during an immersive summer research experience? Proposal submitted to the 7th Annual Symposium on SoTL: Learning In and Across Discipline Conference, November 10-12, 2016, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
R* Lock, J., Johnson, C., Altowairiki, N., Ostrowski, C., Hill, S.L., Da Rosa dos Santos, L., & Lui, Y. (2016, November). Shared Learning as Partners in Research: Experiences through SoTL. Proposal submitted to the 7th Annual Symposium on SoTL: Learning In and Across Discipline Conference, November 10-12, 2016, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Johnson, C. & Lock, J. (2016, October). Moving assessment to the forefront in online collaborative learning. Virtual presentation for COHERE 2016 at Cape Breton University, October 13-14, 2016.
Lock, J. & Johnson, C. (2016, October). Online teaching tips for striving for work-life balance in online learning. Virtual presentation for COHERE 2016 at Cape Breton University, October 13-14, 2016.
R* Lock, J., Ostrowski, C., Hill, L., Altowairiki, N., Johnson, C., & da Rosa dos Santos, L. (2016, October). Our Stories as a SoTL Design Team: Designing a Participatory Online Learning Environment. Presentation at ISSOTL International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference, October 12 – 15, 2016, Los Angeles, CA.
R* Lock, J., Baudais, A., Hanson, J., Johnson, C. (2016, October). Developing Adult Online Learner Confidence: Designing for Success . AOL Conference, Best Practices in Adult Learning Online. October 5, 2016. Bow Valley College, Calgary, AB, Canada.
R* Lock, J. V., da Rosas do Santos, L., & Johnson, C. (2016, June). Teaching Preparation Program: Learning From and Moving Forward in Developing Teaching Capacity for New Scholars. Presentation at Society for Teaching and learning in Higher Education (STLHE), hosted by Western University and Fanshawe College, June 21-24, 2016, London, ON, Canada.
R* Lock, J., da Rosa dos Santos, L., Johnson, C., Altowairiki, N., Lui, F., Ostrowski, C. (2016, May). A creative approach to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Partnerships for change. 2016 Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, May 10, 2016, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
R* Johnson, C. (2016, April). Influencing instructor mindsets in teaching undergraduate online music courses. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, April 8-12, 2016, Washington, DC.
R* Johnson, C., Lock, J. V., & da Rosa dos Santos, L. (2016, April). Shifting instructor practice towards a blended practicum using Universal Design for Learning. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, April 8-12, 2016, Washington, DC.
R* Altowairiki, N., & Johnson, C. (2015, November). Developing teaching presence in online learning through shared stakeholder responsibility. Poster presentation at Werklund Student Poster Fair, Calgary, AB.
R* Johnson, C. (2015, July). Adjusting pedagogical paradigms for teaching music online. Full paper presentation. Canadian Music Educator’s Association Conference 2015, July 9-11, 2015, Winnipeg, MN.
R* Johnson, C. (2015, June). A practical teaching framework for an online Bachelor of Music course. Paper presentation. 2015. Canadian Society for the Study of Education. May 30-June 3, 2015, Ottawa, ON.
R* Altowairiki, N., Johnson, C., Liu, Y, da Rosa dos Santos, L., Hill, L., & Lock, J. (2015, May). Moving toward a UDL mindset: A case study transforming a pre-service teacher field experience course. Presentation at the 2015 University of Calgary Conference on Post Secondary Learning and Teaching, May 12 & 13, 2015, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
R* Johnson, C. (2015, April). Online music teaching guidelines at the Bachelor of Music level: A multiple case study. Poster presentation. 9th Annual International Research in Music Education Conference, University of Exeter, April 14-18, 2015, Exeter, England, UK.
R* Johnson, C. (2014, October). Strategies for online Professional Development: Learning networks in connection, collaboration, and community. Poster presentation. 20th Annual OLC/ Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning, October 28-31, 2014, Orlando, FL.
R* Johnson, C. (2013, December). Designing a framework for online music education. Poster presentation at Society for Research into Higher Education Conference, December 10-13, 2013, Newport, Wales, UK.
Johnson, C. (2013, January). The Research Intersection in Online Learning and Music Education. Presentation at Faculty of Education Graduate Student Colloquium, Calgary, AB.
Johnson, C., & Cooper, T. (2012, October). Online PD: Exploring opportunities and challenges. Poster presentation at Faculty of Educations’ October Student Poster Fair, Calgary, AB.
Johnson, C. (2008, January). The Virtual Music Classroom. Presentation at 35th Annual International Association of Jazz Educators Conference, Toronto, ON.
Professional Publications (Selected)
Johnson, C. A. (2012). Music Discovery for Kids: Learn to play recorder: 24 five note songs. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2012). Music Discovery for Kids: Easy to play recorder songs. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2012). Music Discovery for Kids: Christmas Classics – Easy to play songs for recorder. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2012). Nana & the missing banjo. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2011). Mac and the music history train. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2010). The flutist’s workout. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. (2010). Avoiding the pitfalls of e-plagiarism: How to cite Internet sources with young students. Calgary’s Child Magazine, 37(1). Calgary, AB: Calgary’s Child.
Johnson, C. (2010). Avoiding the pitfalls of e-plagiarism: How to cite Internet sources with young students. Calgary’s Child Magazine, 48(1). Calgary, AB: Calgary’s Child.
Johnson, C. A. (2009). Music Discovery for Kids: Music activity book 1. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2009). Nana meets the orchestra. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. (2009). Strike a new chord: All about school band. Calgary’s Child Magazine, 56(1). Calgary, AB: Calgary’s Child.
Johnson, C. A. (2008). Classical piano works: A compilation. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2008). Music Discovery for Kids: All about instruments. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2008). Music Discovery for Kids: Tones, dynamics & tempo. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2007). 20 Saxophone etudes and duets. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2007). Piano for everyone: Level one – learn to play, read and write chords – level one. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2007). Music Discovery for Kids: My music workbook (Elementary). Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2007). Destreza en el saxofón: Un método práctico para el desarrollo de técnica. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A. (2007). Saxophone dexterity: A practical method for developing technique. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A., and Baird, T. (2007). Notas musicales y ritmos: volumen 1. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Johnson, C. A., and Baird, T. (2006). Music notes and rhythms: Volume 1. Edmonton, AB: Alethia Publications.
Professional Presentations (Selected)
Johnson, C. (2015, November). The online teaching environment: Connecting to your personal pedagogy. Invited speaker, Teaching & Learning Center, Belmont University, Nashville, TN.
Johnson, C. (2015, October). Teaching music online. Invited speaker, School of Music, Belmont University, Nashville, TN.
Johnson, C. (2015, September). Practical strategies for research writing. Werklund School of Education, Research Series 2015-2016. University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
Johnson, C. (2015, February). Collaborative Learning – What it is and what it isn’t. Presentation at Calgary City Teachers’ Conference Association, February 12-13, 2015, Calgary, AB.
Johnson, C. (2015, February). More than do-re-mi: Connecting social studies and music in the elementary classroom. Presentation at North Central Teachers’ Conference Association, February 5-6, 2015, Calgary, AB.
Johnson, C. (2014, February). Garage Band for the Elementary Classroom, Central Alberta Teachers’ Convention Association, February 20-21, 2014, Red Deer, AB.
Johnson, C. (2014, February). Connecting music and science: making musical instruments. Calgary City Teachers’ Convention Association, February 13-14, 2014, Calgary, AB.
Johnson, C. (2014, February). Learn to write easy ensemble music. North Central Teachers’ Convention Association, February 6-7, 2014, Edmonton, AB.
Johnson, C. (2013, November). Teaching music using music stations. Guest lecturer at Ambrose University, November 27, 2013, Calgary, AB.
Johnson, C. (2013, May). Connecting music with science. Presentation at the Alberta Colony Educators Conference, May 10-11, 2013, Lethbridge, AB.
Johnson, C. (2013, March). Entering the world of online teaching. Presentation at Emory University’s Colloquies, March 21-22, 2013, Atlanta, GA.
Johnson, C. (2013, February). Online music education: Bringing learning to you. Presentation at The Rotary Club of Edmonton Strathcona, Edmonton, AB.
Johnson, C. and Stephen, A. (2012). Designing for Blended Learning, collaborative research project. Open access document. Retrieved from
Johnson, C. (2012, July). Synchronous Tools for the Blended Classroom Workshop. Presentation online at Blended Learning for Higher Education Online Workshop Series, Boston, MA.
Johnson, C. (2012, July). Master Asynchronous Tools for the Blended Classroom. Presentation online at Blended Learning for Higher Education Online Workshop Series, Boston, MA.
Johnson, C. (2012, July). Master Synchronous Activities for the Blended Classroom. Presentation online at Blended Learning for Higher Education Online Workshop Series, Boston, MA.
Johnson, C. (2012, May). The Basics of Blended Learning. Presentation online at Blended Learning for Higher Education Online Workshop Series, Boston, MA.
Johnson, C. (2012, May). The Basics of Asynchronous/Synchronous Blended Learning. Presentation online at Blended Learning for Higher Education Online Workshop Series, Boston, MA.
Johnson, C. (2012, March). Personalization in the music classroom. Presentation at Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Conference Association. Edmonton, AB.
Johnson, C. (2012, February). Personalization of the band classroom. Presentation at Calgary City Teachers’ Conference Association. Calgary, AB.
Johnson, C. (2012, February). Basics of asynchronous tools for personalization of learning. Presentation at Calgary City Teachers’ Conference Association. Calgary, Alberta.
Johnson, C. (2011, June). Asynchronous Tools for the Blended Classroom. Presentation at Sloan Consortium’s Blended Learning for Higher Education Workshop Series, Boston, MA.
Johnson, Carol. (2010, May). Intro to Blended Learning. Presentation at Sloan Consortium’s Blended Learning for Higher Education Workshop Series, Boston, MA.
Johnson, C. (2006, January). Aventuras en adoración con tu instrumento. Presentation at Que Guatemala Te Adore, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Johnson, C. (2005, July). Notas y Ritmos. Presentation at Congreso de Adoracion y Artes, Lima, Peru.
Johnson, C. (2003, October). The History of Jazz. Guest lecturer at Department of Humanities Division, Volunteer State College, Gallatin, TN, USA.